Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Does A Dual Mono Amplifier Do?


ROME - According to "Dagospia", the latest polls out of the oven by Alessandra Ghisleri (Euromedia Research), the Knight's private pollster, are a nightmare for Berlusconi. The data were obviously not popular but, according to the site of Roberto D'Agostino, the PDL would free fall to 22.3%, a decrease of more than two percentage points in just three weeks ago.

to take advantage of this real collapse would be the league, which would achieve 13.5%, ie 5 points higher than the 2008 elections. The PD would have a rate close to 23% greater than that of the party of Arcore.
not the first time that polls for the center-left edge and on the coupling-PDL League. Those drawn from "Ipsos" of Pagnoncelli for "BallarĂ²" and updated every week, provide figures similar, though less disastrous to the right, but with the coalition Pd-Sel-IDV can, especially with the current electoral law, to win the most seats in the House of Representatives (the Senate would be the result, however, more uncertain).
On the other hand, the pessimism of the data for the tycoon Arcore explains all the paraphernalia that is moving to overcome the obstacle of confidence in Parliament on 14 December and his reluctance to resort to voting early, trying in every way to the UDC board of Pier Ferdinando Casini. At the same time, explains the hyperactivity of the government in recent days, appearing even comic, successfully launched the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving approved a plan for the South with 100 billion available (but where they will be taken all that money?) the super-justice reform, the implementation of federalism, reform of the tax. All good stories that are meant to convince the Italians that the "government of doing" is in full swing. But, of course, is not it.


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