Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Garotte Wire For Sale

FAITH punched "the bitter GIULIANI. Stoica, MUST BE IN THE SAME WAVE

Milan, Faith punches attacked in a restaurant
The aggression by the entrepreneur Giuliani, eponymous bitter. Journalist: exclude political or sentimental
November 24, 23:14

See photo 1 of 3

LONDON - The director of TG4, Emilio Faith, 'was attacked last night in a restaurant in Milan by a man that he has termed''and''friend of a friend who has punched in the head and face''no reason''.

Faith was having dinner at 6 Via Marcona Risacca with three friends, husband and wife and their friend, when a nearby table a man stood up to greet one of his guests: "I approached, I thought I would welcome - the director says - but no reason I gave three blows on the head. "It was not the first time that the director crossed her attacker:" I know, I've seen a few times each summer in Forte dei Marmi and one in Milan, we can say - says the director - who is friends of friends. "Faith has no idea why the attack:" I asked 'facts give yourself a question and answer,' and I thought that I missed a dinner where she invited me. "The assailant was immediately stopped by the bodyguards of faith and then by the police, while the director of TG4 was taken to hospital where, he recalls, he has been diagnosed lesions heal within twenty days . Faith, assisted by Nadia Lecci, reported a man for serious injury and death threats.

AGGRESSOR FAITH AND 'MR' BITTER GIULIANI '- E' Gian Germano Giuliani, the 'entrepreneur of the seventy known bitter medicine, the man who was attacked last night in a restaurant in Milan Emilio Fede. This was confirmed by the same director of TG4.

LEGAL faith, even serious damage IMAGE - The assault has caused the director Emilio Fede Tg4 "serious personal injury and even image." Said the lawyer Nadia Alecci, the attorney who will present tomorrow in Milan Prosecutor a lawsuit against the entrepreneur who has punched the Faith. In the lawsuit the entrepreneur, as well as le lesioni provocate, verrà denunciato anche per le minacce lanciate al giornalista. "Gli costerà caro - ha commentato lo stesso Fede - dal punto di vista sia penale sia economico".

FEDE, ESCLUDO RAGIONI POLITICHE O SENTIMENTALI - "Non voglio fare il martire, escludo motivi politici o sentimentali dietro questa aggressione": lo ha detto Emilio Fede all'ANSA. Il direttore del Tg4 ha ribadito che, a suo avviso, l'unica ragione che potrebbe aver spinto Gian Germano Giuliani a dargli tre pugni è un invito a cena respinto. "Questo signore - ha detto Fede - può aver preso a dispetto solo una cena non confermata, ma sia con lui sia con la signora c'é sempre stata una storia di cordialità. Non c'é dietro nulla - ha stressed - that would justify such a reaction. "Despite the attack and the injuries suffered, Faith Today, however, led the TG4:" I had the strength to go on the air even though I straparlato, I said - he joked - 'and' as if I had a hit on the head. "


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