Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mariano Rivera Style Cleats


FARNCESCA CONTE e1290259951373 Legale di Sabrina, Conte: Rinuncio perché questo è business

Murder Sarah, a lawyer and business
Sunday, November 21, 2010
AVETRANA - lawyers are still dictating the clamor around the oversized yellow Avetrana. And if they say this time of holy right, not sparing the threat of lawsuits and slamming his face backroom deals and hidden records. Last protagonist, in spite of this circus of sensationalism, and the lawyer Francesca Conte Lecce just three days after the mandate of defense for Sabrina Misseri and having dealt with ten hours of recording evidence of Michael, yesterday morning was unexpected mind thrown out by his client that, at least so say the papers, has revoked the appointment preferring to Vito Russo's lawyer, Taranto, who three days earlier had given way to more experienced Conte (while leaving the college in a family, his wife Emilia advocate Velletri). What has happened. According to the legal Lecce, the withdrawal was "driven" lawyer Russell. "While I was with his wife in jail for questioning - he says - he told the press, without noticing my presence of two lawyers who have registered, which would have made sure to revoke my tenure, saying that the 'recording evidence had gone wrong. "
evidently accustomed to another style, the criminal shocked that the interrogation had offered evening una lezione di pluralismo dell’informazione spendendosi generosamente ai microfoni e ai taccuini di chi aveva il compito di far sapere, usa parole pesanti per scaricare la rabbia. «Il caso Scazzi – scrive in una nota – ha perso le sue connotazioni di caso giudiziario ed assume sempre più quelle del business. Un business a cui, per cultura ed educazione giuridica e professionale – aggiunge – mi debbo necessariamente sottrarre». Ancora più sottile la chiusura del commento. «Mi è stato insegnato – scrive l’avvocata – che la difesa tecnica, per essere efficace, deve essere libera da condizionamenti, indipendente, coerente ed onesta, non potendo invece essere legata a speculazioni inconfessabili of any kind. "

Interviewed separately, Earl is even harder. "We may not realize - says the phone - that these things could result in the career. Documentary evidence - he adds - demonstration project that is very serious that I will submit to the professional judiciary. " Even the lawyer to protect Russian threat "in the appropriate fora," and so reply to the allegations. "We - reports ANSA - have spent the lawyer Earl able to work right away. And "it is not true that we did not by: the agreements were clear from the beginning" and predicted that "after the accident evidence of Michael Misseri I would have arrived. " The President of the Bar of the province of Taranto, Angelo Esposito, is "appalled." Then he says. "I fear that this affair has not yet expressed in negative full potential in terms of ethics." Informed
boobies exposed intentions of coming to the Order, the President Errico's answer: "They are things that hurt the entire category to which we are already moving with rigor." The tribunal considers that the Order's lawyers already has a disciplinary action pending against lawyers and Daniel Russo Gallop, who defended Michael Misseri. The "decision" for both of you will know January 13. A cargo of both there are many leaders to blame. For Russia, in particular, among other charges for which will be judged, there is an attempt to convince Michele Misseri to revoke his lawyer (Gallop) and appoint another. It would be close to his study also found to be an expert to sell televisions unpublished photographs of the interior of the cellar where she would be killed Sarah Scazzi.
Nazarene Dinoi
Related stories: -francesca-sabrina-lavv-count-giving up-because-if-and-business.html


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