complaints about Italian philately Il poliedrico e sensibile artista, nonché giornalista, Guido Ceronetti ci fa una gradita e gratuita zummata sulla filatelia italiana, quella che è oggi, pubblicata recentemente sul "Corriere della Sera" intitolata “Mille francobolli in cerca di lettera”.
Bisogna dargli ragione.
Incontenibile filatelia di Utente mi ispira un generoso applauso ai grafici sconosciuti delle Poste italiane. Le emissioni in francobolli della casa madre di tutti noi ultimi scriventi di lettere che appongono in alto a destra invece di uno squallido timbro, sulle buste della corrispondenza privata, shows a small rectangle of State, are the best in the world! The stamp is real philanthropy. I am sure that a beautiful stamp will brighten the recipient, and even more certain if it is a target, but we are careful not to throw away the wonderful product, with insensitive people, perhaps good, but unable to appreciate the gift, you may be greedy! not stagnant stamp collector (worse if trafficker), almost always inane battery without love for the shadowy vagueness of the bullet markers post - but I live because love of neighbor with the message and the message contained in the sealed envelope, to meet since the sticker pasted our solidarity, our desire to get him - hard Craft - joy. Among the last great issues, there are composers like Puccini and Rota: I would avoid sending them to those who love music, to literature who does not love the noble civic sense, do not check the effigy of Leonardo Sciascia. Reserve to the charming series of sophisticated consumers made in Italy. The commemorations Sports Stamps let me chilly, and so the monuments. My beak 'eagle swoops straight where there is more creativity, something which adopted a range of more' light aura dell'effigiato. Here, key grief ... There are more issues that users of stamp: the post office for the deal would be thin without the philatelic market - bitter, senile, male - which thrives popular quarters, witnessed by patients, long queues at counters central infuriating, and they are worthy, because earning the Post Office to ensure the survival of true lovers of correspondence. E-mail rampant, and fax messaging lingo opprobrious phones, resulting in a change in the defense of Thermopylae lovely exchange from place to place, from confession to confession, from intimacy of thought to another, which was one of the most extraordinary forms of human communication. One thousand, two thousand, a myriad of stamps in search of a letter! It is worth to note to grieve. A very bad sign : post offices in the province for a long time do not get more noble emissions. Sometimes you can not find even the vile, the vulgar, common ... using, in the absence of anything better, I'm aware of trust needed to sin. However, this deprivation of difficult beauty, strengthens the ease of divorce, gives the ephemeral, and everywhere they are looking for tracks, plus wing. To have a friend who worked in the well-equipped city, can be providential. Not collected. Eat live stamps. Observation of political philosophy: I noticed that when a nation-state is derived in the political, social, economic, in the hands of destructive forces, issues unfailingly beautiful stamps. So Italy is rapidly receding, and this in its amazing graphics filatelica lo puoi leggere chiaramente. Emissioni come Sos... Ma la connessione è misteriosa. Mi duole l'Italia, ma mi rivolto contro i suoi mali inviando lettere bene affrancate. Spargo al vento delle Termopili o sulla linea di un indifendibile Piave luci notturne di francobollo patrio. Tanto i barbari feroci hanno ormai stravinto.
(Guido Ceronetti / CORRIERE DELLA SERA - 23.11.2010)
Nonostante tutto questo (che è stato letto), l’anno scorso le tirature dei francobolli commemorativi sono passate da 3,5 milioni a 4 milioni di esemplari.
La responsabile per la filatelia di Poste italiane, Marisa Giannini ha affermato: “Abbiamo semplicemente adeguato the circulation to the needs of the area. The stamps, as is known, must be distributed to all 14,000 post offices, from the main city of the great ones of the smaller mountain towns, not to mention the extensive network of resellers, consisting of about 50,000 tobacco shops, which also must be provided values \u200b\u200bof the cards celebratory and commemorative issues. "
Moreover, he stressed that the "big event" that is for the " International Philately Festival - Italy 2009" , increasing the print run was important to meet more easily available for collectors and for customers of the postal service. Meanwhile, the Italian Post Office
SpA is ready to liberalization process on 1 January 2011 and will debut the Bank of the South, as stated by the 'chief executive, Massimo Sarmi .
We'll see.