Sunday, November 28, 2010

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ROME - According to "Dagospia", the latest polls out of the oven by Alessandra Ghisleri (Euromedia Research), the Knight's private pollster, are a nightmare for Berlusconi. The data were obviously not popular but, according to the site of Roberto D'Agostino, the PDL would free fall to 22.3%, a decrease of more than two percentage points in just three weeks ago.

to take advantage of this real collapse would be the league, which would achieve 13.5%, ie 5 points higher than the 2008 elections. The PD would have a rate close to 23% greater than that of the party of Arcore.
not the first time that polls for the center-left edge and on the coupling-PDL League. Those drawn from "Ipsos" of Pagnoncelli for "Ballarò" and updated every week, provide figures similar, though less disastrous to the right, but with the coalition Pd-Sel-IDV can, especially with the current electoral law, to win the most seats in the House of Representatives (the Senate would be the result, however, more uncertain).
On the other hand, the pessimism of the data for the tycoon Arcore explains all the paraphernalia that is moving to overcome the obstacle of confidence in Parliament on 14 December and his reluctance to resort to voting early, trying in every way to the UDC board of Pier Ferdinando Casini. At the same time, explains the hyperactivity of the government in recent days, appearing even comic, successfully launched the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving approved a plan for the South with 100 billion available (but where they will be taken all that money?) the super-justice reform, the implementation of federalism, reform of the tax. All good stories that are meant to convince the Italians that the "government of doing" is in full swing. But, of course, is not it.

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Saturday First Sunday of Advent.

E gia'...proprio cosi'... il Natale comincia
ufficialmente... si accende la prima candela
si cominciano a tirare fuori gli addobbi che sanno
di polvere ...

di cantina...

Lo scorso anno il mio albero era cosi'...

25 anni di matrimonio

mi sono decisa
ed ho comperato un nuovo albero... Come sara'...???

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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complaints about Italian philately

Il poliedrico e sensibile artista, nonché giornalista, Guido Ceronetti ci fa una gradita e gratuita zummata sulla filatelia italiana, quella che è oggi, pubblicata recentemente sul "Corriere della Sera" intitolata “Mille francobolli in cerca di lettera”.

Bisogna dargli ragione.

Incontenibile filatelia di Utente mi ispira un generoso applauso ai grafici sconosciuti delle Poste italiane. Le emissioni in francobolli della casa madre di tutti noi ultimi scriventi di lettere che appongono in alto a destra invece di uno squallido timbro, sulle buste della corrispondenza privata, shows a small rectangle of State, are the best in the world! The stamp is real philanthropy. I am sure that a beautiful stamp will brighten the recipient, and even more certain if it is a target, but we are careful not to throw away the wonderful product, with insensitive people, perhaps good, but unable to appreciate the gift, you may be greedy! not stagnant stamp collector (worse if trafficker), almost always inane battery without love for the shadowy vagueness of the bullet markers post - but I live because love of neighbor with the message and the message contained in the sealed envelope, to meet since the sticker pasted our solidarity, our desire to get him - hard Craft - joy. Among the last great issues, there are composers like Puccini and Rota: I would avoid sending them to those who love music, to literature who does not love the noble civic sense, do not check the effigy of Leonardo Sciascia. Reserve to the charming series of sophisticated consumers made in Italy. The commemorations Sports Stamps let me chilly, and so the monuments. My beak 'eagle swoops straight where there is more creativity, something which adopted a range of more' light aura dell'effigiato. Here, key grief ... There are more issues that users of stamp: the post office for the deal would be thin without the philatelic market - bitter, senile, male - which thrives popular quarters, witnessed by patients, long queues at counters central infuriating, and they are worthy, because earning the Post Office to ensure the survival of true lovers of correspondence. E-mail rampant, and fax messaging lingo opprobrious phones, resulting in a change in the defense of Thermopylae lovely exchange from place to place, from confession to confession, from intimacy of thought to another, which was one of the most extraordinary forms of human communication. One thousand, two thousand, a myriad of stamps in search of a letter! It is worth to note to grieve. A very bad sign : post offices in the province for a long time do not get more noble emissions. Sometimes you can not find even the vile, the vulgar, common ... using, in the absence of anything better, I'm aware of trust needed to sin. However, this deprivation of difficult beauty, strengthens the ease of divorce, gives the ephemeral, and everywhere they are looking for tracks, plus wing. To have a friend who worked in the well-equipped city, can be providential. Not collected. Eat live stamps. Observation of political philosophy: I noticed that when a nation-state is derived in the political, social, economic, in the hands of destructive forces, issues unfailingly beautiful stamps. So Italy is rapidly receding, and this in its amazing graphics filatelica lo puoi leggere chiaramente. Emissioni come Sos... Ma la connessione è misteriosa. Mi duole l'Italia, ma mi rivolto contro i suoi mali inviando lettere bene affrancate. Spargo al vento delle Termopili o sulla linea di un indifendibile Piave luci notturne di francobollo patrio. Tanto i barbari feroci hanno ormai stravinto.
(Guido Ceronetti / CORRIERE DELLA SERA - 23.11.2010)

Nonostante tutto questo (che è stato letto), l’anno scorso le tirature dei francobolli commemorativi sono passate da 3,5 milioni a 4 milioni di esemplari.
La responsabile per la filatelia di Poste italiane, Marisa Giannini ha affermato: “Abbiamo semplicemente adeguato the circulation to the needs of the area. The stamps, as is known, must be distributed to all 14,000 post offices, from the main city of the great ones of the smaller mountain towns, not to mention the extensive network of resellers, consisting of about 50,000 tobacco shops, which also must be provided values \u200b\u200bof the cards celebratory and commemorative issues. "
Moreover, he stressed that the "big event" that is for the " International Philately Festival - Italy 2009" , increasing the print run was important to meet more easily available for collectors and for customers of the postal service. Meanwhile, the Italian Post Office
SpA is ready to liberalization process on 1 January 2011 and will debut the Bank of the South, as stated by the 'chief executive, Massimo Sarmi .

We'll see.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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attacked Faith: Giuliani, I apologize

Journalist, crocodile tears the lawsuit

November 25, 19:55
Fede aggredito: Giuliani, chiedo scusa (ANSA) - MILANO, NOVEMBER 25 - The entrepreneur Giuliani to apologize to Emilio Fede the attack on Tuesday 'evening in Milan. He did so knowing the entrepreneur through his lawyers. 'Has' been a knee-jerk reaction - explain the lawyers - and Dr. Giuliani knows which' was certainly excessive. '' I'm not going to excuse him, his are crocodile tears: he apologized and I will ask 'to my lawyers to present the complaint,' Faith replication.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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FAITH punched "the bitter GIULIANI. Stoica, MUST BE IN THE SAME WAVE

Milan, Faith punches attacked in a restaurant
The aggression by the entrepreneur Giuliani, eponymous bitter. Journalist: exclude political or sentimental
November 24, 23:14

See photo 1 of 3

LONDON - The director of TG4, Emilio Faith, 'was attacked last night in a restaurant in Milan by a man that he has termed''and''friend of a friend who has punched in the head and face''no reason''.

Faith was having dinner at 6 Via Marcona Risacca with three friends, husband and wife and their friend, when a nearby table a man stood up to greet one of his guests: "I approached, I thought I would welcome - the director says - but no reason I gave three blows on the head. "It was not the first time that the director crossed her attacker:" I know, I've seen a few times each summer in Forte dei Marmi and one in Milan, we can say - says the director - who is friends of friends. "Faith has no idea why the attack:" I asked 'facts give yourself a question and answer,' and I thought that I missed a dinner where she invited me. "The assailant was immediately stopped by the bodyguards of faith and then by the police, while the director of TG4 was taken to hospital where, he recalls, he has been diagnosed lesions heal within twenty days . Faith, assisted by Nadia Lecci, reported a man for serious injury and death threats.

AGGRESSOR FAITH AND 'MR' BITTER GIULIANI '- E' Gian Germano Giuliani, the 'entrepreneur of the seventy known bitter medicine, the man who was attacked last night in a restaurant in Milan Emilio Fede. This was confirmed by the same director of TG4.

LEGAL faith, even serious damage IMAGE - The assault has caused the director Emilio Fede Tg4 "serious personal injury and even image." Said the lawyer Nadia Alecci, the attorney who will present tomorrow in Milan Prosecutor a lawsuit against the entrepreneur who has punched the Faith. In the lawsuit the entrepreneur, as well as le lesioni provocate, verrà denunciato anche per le minacce lanciate al giornalista. "Gli costerà caro - ha commentato lo stesso Fede - dal punto di vista sia penale sia economico".

FEDE, ESCLUDO RAGIONI POLITICHE O SENTIMENTALI - "Non voglio fare il martire, escludo motivi politici o sentimentali dietro questa aggressione": lo ha detto Emilio Fede all'ANSA. Il direttore del Tg4 ha ribadito che, a suo avviso, l'unica ragione che potrebbe aver spinto Gian Germano Giuliani a dargli tre pugni è un invito a cena respinto. "Questo signore - ha detto Fede - può aver preso a dispetto solo una cena non confermata, ma sia con lui sia con la signora c'é sempre stata una storia di cordialità. Non c'é dietro nulla - ha stressed - that would justify such a reaction. "Despite the attack and the injuries suffered, Faith Today, however, led the TG4:" I had the strength to go on the air even though I straparlato, I said - he joked - 'and' as if I had a hit on the head. "

Monday, November 22, 2010

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05: 18 - November 23, 2010 POLITICS-

Mussolini: O Carfagna mi chiede scusa o non voto la fiducia

"Do not appoggio un governo con un ministro che insulta le donne"
Roma, 23 nov. (Apcom) -  "O la Carfagna mi chiede pubblicamente scusa o io non voto la fiducia il 14". L'ha dichiarato al TgLa7 il deputato del Pdl Alessandra Mussolini. "Avevo posto alla Carfagna una questione politica - ha osservato - ho avuto in risposta un insulto. Non voto la fiducia ad un governo dove c'è un ministro per le Pari Opportunità che insulta le donne". Il dissidio con la Mussolini è nato dopo che quest'ultima ha fotografato il ministro che parlava con l'esponente di Fli Italo Bocchino, accusandola di "flirtare" con i finiani, fatto smentito dalla Carfagna, la quale però, indispettita dalla nipote del duce le ha dato della "Vajassa", a term which in Naples has the derogatory meaning of "woman of low" or "prostitute." "I can not give up, is a question of dignity." So its part Carfagna, according to La Repubblica, confirmed the choice of line with the announcement of resignation as minister after the internal strife to the PDL Campania. Carfagna to the PDL has become "a party in disarray," halfway between "business committee" and "power bands." Yesterday I arrived stances in favor Carfagna by the coordinator PDL and Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa and the Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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FARNCESCA CONTE e1290259951373 Legale di Sabrina, Conte: Rinuncio perché questo è business

Murder Sarah, a lawyer and business
Sunday, November 21, 2010
AVETRANA - lawyers are still dictating the clamor around the oversized yellow Avetrana. And if they say this time of holy right, not sparing the threat of lawsuits and slamming his face backroom deals and hidden records. Last protagonist, in spite of this circus of sensationalism, and the lawyer Francesca Conte Lecce just three days after the mandate of defense for Sabrina Misseri and having dealt with ten hours of recording evidence of Michael, yesterday morning was unexpected mind thrown out by his client that, at least so say the papers, has revoked the appointment preferring to Vito Russo's lawyer, Taranto, who three days earlier had given way to more experienced Conte (while leaving the college in a family, his wife Emilia advocate Velletri). What has happened. According to the legal Lecce, the withdrawal was "driven" lawyer Russell. "While I was with his wife in jail for questioning - he says - he told the press, without noticing my presence of two lawyers who have registered, which would have made sure to revoke my tenure, saying that the 'recording evidence had gone wrong. "
evidently accustomed to another style, the criminal shocked that the interrogation had offered evening una lezione di pluralismo dell’informazione spendendosi generosamente ai microfoni e ai taccuini di chi aveva il compito di far sapere, usa parole pesanti per scaricare la rabbia. «Il caso Scazzi – scrive in una nota – ha perso le sue connotazioni di caso giudiziario ed assume sempre più quelle del business. Un business a cui, per cultura ed educazione giuridica e professionale – aggiunge – mi debbo necessariamente sottrarre». Ancora più sottile la chiusura del commento. «Mi è stato insegnato – scrive l’avvocata – che la difesa tecnica, per essere efficace, deve essere libera da condizionamenti, indipendente, coerente ed onesta, non potendo invece essere legata a speculazioni inconfessabili of any kind. "

Interviewed separately, Earl is even harder. "We may not realize - says the phone - that these things could result in the career. Documentary evidence - he adds - demonstration project that is very serious that I will submit to the professional judiciary. " Even the lawyer to protect Russian threat "in the appropriate fora," and so reply to the allegations. "We - reports ANSA - have spent the lawyer Earl able to work right away. And "it is not true that we did not by: the agreements were clear from the beginning" and predicted that "after the accident evidence of Michael Misseri I would have arrived. " The President of the Bar of the province of Taranto, Angelo Esposito, is "appalled." Then he says. "I fear that this affair has not yet expressed in negative full potential in terms of ethics." Informed
boobies exposed intentions of coming to the Order, the President Errico's answer: "They are things that hurt the entire category to which we are already moving with rigor." The tribunal considers that the Order's lawyers already has a disciplinary action pending against lawyers and Daniel Russo Gallop, who defended Michael Misseri. The "decision" for both of you will know January 13. A cargo of both there are many leaders to blame. For Russia, in particular, among other charges for which will be judged, there is an attempt to convince Michele Misseri to revoke his lawyer (Gallop) and appoint another. It would be close to his study also found to be an expert to sell televisions unpublished photographs of the interior of the cellar where she would be killed Sarah Scazzi.
Nazarene Dinoi
Related stories: -francesca-sabrina-lavv-count-giving up-because-if-and-business.html

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Intervista a Silvio Bandinelli, regista e produttore hard. Che “fattura” molto in Veneto. E che coniuga coito a denuncia.

L’abbiamo incontrato nella sua casa di Formentera, isola paradisiaca dove vive tutto l’anno “tranne i tre mesi in cui ci sono i turisti italiani”, da dove dirige la “Showtime” l’azienda numero uno nel settore dell’intrattenimento cinematografico per adulti: il porno. Stiamo parlando di Silvio Bandinelli, regista e produttore hard; l’abbiamo accompagnato in una sua giornata tipo da isolano: dalla passeggiata mattutina con il cane, il tuffo nel mare “caraibico” con una spiaggia deserta, un’intensa working day (between phone calls and videoconferencing) to dinner in a fantastic veranda overlooking the famous salt pans of Formentera.

A talk-river (between true opinions and provocative intellectual libertinism) on the political situation of yesterday and today that brought him to leave Italy, his television appearances, genre films and copyrights, contemporary art, food takeaway, paintings IKEA, Carmelo Bene up to the porn actresses between ungrateful and an idea for a porn movie set at the time of the far west, made with attention philological hygiene - "if you imagine the heroic cowboy who falls horse after four days in the desert, and without a shower, demands attention from his beloved? ".

of this day / interview report a summary honest.

Before greeting Silvio, one recommendation "Charles, when he invented the introduction to this interview do not forget to underline my innate elegance." That's it. CONTINUE

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The Prince and the Queen
Angelo Marino
thought to command the Prince of Arechi, instead it was for the Queen of Spades Part protagonist. The PDL offers yet another troubled chapter in una brutta storia partita su un predellino e scritta con i piedi. Troppo diverse le anime da conciliare, così come le contraddizioni non solo politiche che pullulano nel partito di Berlusconi. Lo strappo della salernitana Mara Carfagna è sicuramente forte, anche perché ieri ha certificato con la data di scadenza il suo mandato di governo, confermando a pieno l’i ndiscrezione che ha mandato in tilt la politica nostrana. Il ministro "più bella del mondo", come da classifica ufficiale, la «donna con le palle», come fu definita dal premier a Napoli in occasione della convention elettorale per Caldoro, prova a ruggire e lo fa alzando la voce.

• Rimprovera ai vertici campani del partito (Cosentino, Cirielli, Cesaro) have implemented a tight ostracism and no holds barred against him, counting it out important decisions concerning the land. Objectively, this is so, as evidenced by the work of the President of the Province of Salerno in the case that there is more geographically contiguous.

• The straw that broke the camel's back was the strategy pursued, particularly Cirielli, the incinerator to be carried out in the city and subtract from De Luca. A succulent cake, as in Salem (and Naples) in the spring to vote. From here the clashes, sometimes violent, in recent days and culminated with the nell'accapigliamento Mussolini, always the woman of the Right that sends them to say never.

• But what is behind the threat of Carfagna to quit Prime Minister and party? Surely the shadow of Italo Bocchino, Finian brains of the operation and political guidance from the very first steps of the career of Mara. Do you think they were just the two of them to plead Cirielli's candidacy for president of the Province.

• Among the scenes also never hidden desire to get their hands on the treasure that in recent years, the PDL has set aside in Campania, under the guidance of the rumored but always in the saddle Nicola Cosentino. Who in their Cirielli Cesaro and two of his staunchest allies.

• It should not be underestimated even the centripetal force unleashed by the government growth by U of Finian. Carfagna and UDC do not mind, in relation to the territory, is well seen by Ciriaco De Mita, bitter personal enemy of President of the Province of Salerno. In short, the pieces of the game seem interchangeable, and so the mosaic is likely to turn into domino.

• But two facts remain: the first is that Cirielli, the number one problem of Carfagna, acted on the territory also expanded in the spaces left completely empty for absence from the charge of equal opportunity. The second comes from the parable that is drawing the Minister of Salerno in the national political firmament: doubly linked to the premier all-rounder, now it seems okay to leave. Yet more evidence of the incoherence of this policy, as well as means of exerting pressure on the head of the Knight that many see on the way to the season of decline.

• The truth is that the system set up by Berlusconi ssoluta to implode for lack of a real opposition, having also the fading of the Democratic Party.

clear, the party could only materialize within his own party. As the treacherous and venomous snake that killed Cleopatra. Another queen.

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Carfagna LITE-MUSSOLINI: What does "VAIASSA"

Di Paturnio

La Notizia:


(AGI) Roma - Continua la guerra Carfagna-Mussolini: la ministra ha definito 'vaiassa' la deputata che ha promesso una replica.
  A scatenare la Carfagna e' stata la foto scattatale in aula dalla collega di Pdl, "un atto di cattivissimo gusto che non merita commenti ma che si addice alla persona". Ma Mussolini ha chiesto a Fini di tutelarla come deputata e al resto pensera' da se': "Quando la incontro replichero' agli insulti".

Il mio commento:

Un mio amico napoletano, mi informa del fatto che al di là dei reali possibili significati della parola Vaiassa, per lui si intende una popolana sguaiata, che vive nei bassi napoletani ed esclude fermamente che possa significare anche "sgualdrina".Lo stesso concetto viene espresso in una dotta analisi dell'etimologia della parola Vaiassa, e dei suoi possibili doppi significati:

" The Neapolitan language has many words to say a name with the activity we now call the family together. A list is certainly not complete, it must at least be servant, vaiassa , ; criata , zambracca , Femmene ' and Services, Cammack . In this list only to vaiassa seem to give rise to uncertainty, both as regards its origin, because it has more than one meaning, designating both the coarse and plebeian maiden, and sbraitante rissaiola that the street has its own agon. continues "

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Crown:" There are photos parties Arcore "Lele Mora? Today I do not give "
" There are photographs of the festivities at Arcore. If I had continued to work ...". So Fabrizio Corona, the official photographers of celebrities and a former member of Lele Mora, Ruby on the case involved a break in the trial in Milan in which he is accused of a series of incidents of extortion and attempted extortion against celebrities.''Today I do not give a damn nor Lele Mora nor Ruby, because here I play three years of my life, "he added Corona.

"I am a bit 'angry - added the official photo - because I heard the reasons for the court of first instance, read in court today, and I got chills because they are shameful." Corona disputes especially the part of the reasons of the court (which sentenced him to three years and eight months in prison) involving an alleged extortion attempt against the player's Adriano. "I am I never asked for a euro, and there are records," said the official photo. Now start the indictment by the Deputy Carmen Manfredda pg. On holidays

Arcore no secret that there are photos, but said: "There is no newspaper would have published, and no agency that the proposals would have. "unsaleable private photos then on the market. Pending the prosecution take the floor in the classroom Corona, angry after hearing the reasons for the decision of the court of first instance, says:" Today I do not give a damn nor Mora nor Ruby. I play three years of my life. "
source TGCOM November 11, 2010

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RUBY IN DISCO: RAIN insults from peers

Night in the disc, Ruby insulted

Milan, with many young bodyguard

Draft adventure for Ruby, the eighteen year old Moroccan who said he have been at a party in Arcore residence of the President of Silvio Berlusconi. Guest Saturday night disco Karma on the outskirts of Milan, was insulted by some peers. Ruby, little black dress, leopard shoes, gaudy gold bracelets at the wrists , it was sort of sitting on a throne, surrounded by numerous body-guard.
The new age is limited to hazard a few dance steps on stage, sending kisses and drink some champagne flute. It was then seated on a throne, or something like that, surrounded by numerous body-guard. At that Piunti a group of her peers also addressed the heavy epithets. Scurrilous also some choir boys.

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Bung Bung: Dagospia AND FOR 'THE DISCO Berlusconi Case

Bunga Bunga? In addition to the jokes about the joke that refers to Africans, according Dagospia there was another, which would explain why turning this way of speaking. To reveal the site gossipparo was a girl who had participated in some partying. The source is anonymous , There is no evidence. "The Bunga Bunga - it says - is the sign of a nightclub. Built by digging in Villa San Martino (residence of the Cav, ndr) "where sometimes there are theater where" to get on stage, on the wings of a few pieces of Lady Gaga, five or six girls are fully dressed man with a mask has all the characteristics of foreign presidents. "
(source: The Giornale.12 November 2010)

Dagospia THE SITE, READ:

not there is only Bunga-Bunga Bunga-Bunga joke or giving the title to a little show of tested Burlesque Theater, with some lady dressed as a scout for a stroll in the jungle that is captured by some muscular black guy or maybe a tough African Queen and tied to a post, sexually tortured and then impaled to the delight of an audience in search of exotic sexual-excitement.

No, there is another Bunga-bunga. A Dagospia to reveal a girl who participated in the "post-prandial entertainment" preferred by Berlusconi. Of course, we have no proof, the photos are there but no one takes them out for now, but other witnesses assure us that what is ladled out at all far-fetched.

So. The Bunga Bunga is the sign of a nightclub. Built by digging in Villa San Martino, mejo known as the residence of the banana Arcore. A place that represents a sort of porno-Bagaglino that is filled with the usual group of girls in flower lelemoresca hunting the hustler that will help to make ends meet, plus some occasional presence of deputies in heat. READ MORE

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Escort: Bondi, knowledge on Pearl ready to protect my good character'

Last Updated: November 12, at 11:28
Rome, November 12 - (Adnkronos) - "In reference to what appeared today on 'The Express' and some newspapers confirm that I have known Mrs. Pearl Genovesi in my quality' of Coordinator of Forza Italy, like hundreds of other young people of our movement. All rest and 'the fruit of earnest and sick fantasy of a woman who would never have imagined it would then be returned to responsible business that is being accused. So I reserve the right to act through the courts to protect my good character'. " This was declared by the coordinator of the PDL Sandro Bondi.

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Pearl Genovesi freewheeling agencies and calls Ministers to

Pearl Genovesi freewheeling
between agencies and calls on ministers

The former leader of Forza Parma Italy would reveal the affair to the magistrates in Palermo. In exchange for 150 000 € ensured the election. And sprout dozens of phone calls to politicians. Villani (PDL) is threatening lawsuits

A sale of applications would be organized by an advertising agency close to the senator Marcello Dell'Utri and his son. Aspiring MPs in exchange for 150 thousand € 100-would have had the insurance to be candidates for the 2006 elections. But the money paid to the company to formally organize the campaign, they would go to Force Italy.

They are the latest revelations of Pearl Genovesi, a former parliamentary assistant of Senator Henry Pianetta the PDL was arrested by prosecutors in Palermo in July, as part of an investigation into drug trafficking. The woman, who did the magistrates named Nadia Macri, who told the escort of alleged sexual relations with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi paid and the mayor of Parma, Pietro Vignali, told the background of a real "market" of applications that would be turned around and Marcello Dell'Utri Force Italy.

DOZENS OF PHONE CALLS TO MINISTERS AND POLITICIANS - from interception by the prosecutor of Palermo on the phone and repentant former parliamentary assistant Pearl Genovesi, then arrested on drug trafficking in the investigation, showed dozens of calls to ministers and parliamentarians. But prosecutors, but they still sent all documents to the Milan prosecutors, of jurisdiction, did not consider the conversations of criminal law, and I decided to drop the investigation. According to prosecutors, in fact, the woman who now is cooperating with investigators, would have limited contact with politicians on behalf of Senator Henry Pianetta in the PDL was parliamentary assistant.
Among the calls made, as reported by "The Done", there would be some some of the utilities Arcore residence of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

"Ms. Genovesi was an official of the Regional Group of Forces Italy VII Legislature from 16 October 2002-30 June 2003) to replace another employee on maternity leave at risk. The legal framework was the same employee of the replaced, then consider the orientation adopted by the Group to standardize the role, functions and remuneration of all employees, except in the Cape property, which was an official of the Regional Council with a legal position than that chosen for the grading of staff. Ms. Genovesi, finally, has never participated in delegations Board sent a mission abroad institutional representation in the Regional Council. I have instructed my lawyers to determine whether, in this respect, advancing the insinuations by some press organs have the basis for legal action to protect repute of the then Regional Group of FI, which I was President, and my person ".

taken by Villani / Revelations / About / Interview
THE ESCORT "Known Dadaumpa" / "Sex Vignali" / The mayor denies
Defense YouTube / Nadia and Premier / news blackout / VIDEO / PHOTOS

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RUBY, SEXY DISCO IN: NOT FOR ME 'change anything (VIDEO)

Ruby Rubacuori made by godmother the event organized by ' Albikokka , one of the most important Genoa for the fifth anniversary of its opening. Dressed in a beautiful blue dress with slit, the protagonist of the scandal bunga bunga , who at 18 is already behaving superstar lived, tells the people of the night rushed all'Albikokka: "I was with you here 4 months and nothing has changed for me, I'm back again with you and I like being alone with you. "


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Crisis Government, Bossi: If Silvio does not move down the avalanche

government, Bossi insisted: "O Berlusconi moves or snowball

Friday, November 12, 2010 ROME (Reuters) - The Northern League leader Umberto Bossi insists in its call for Silvio Berlusconi to resign in order to create a" crisis driven ". The invitation of

Senatur is contained in an article in the Padania incorporated in the newspaper headline: "If Silvio does not move down the avalanche."

The article cited statements by Bossi said on his return last night at the headquarters of the Northern League in Milan, after face to face with Roman Gianfranco Fini and the "long telephone conversation" (as stated in the Po Valley) with Berlusconi, Korea for the G20.

The paper said that on his return from Bossi Milan: "The space for negotiation is still there, but must move Berlusconi. Fini must go to meet him in the dark because a crisis would be too dangerous for him but also for the country."

In short, there is no alternative to the crisis and "if Silvio is not moving, the flood goes down."

Bossi reported that in his meeting with Fini, the speaker of the House has not "connected in any way federalism in the treaty. Why federalism has been going on anyway."

He has spoken of electoral reform, without "reference to specific models." "Another element that allows suggest that a rapprochement with a little 'goodwill, it would be possible," says the League's newspaper.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can Cervical Polyps Come Back

Concept & PC

The Future of Personal Computers from us Serber small, simple shapes and the incredible convenience through the various experiments in the field of design.


designer Apostol Macedonian Tnokovski dimeter has only about 15 cm and is equipped with all the necessary elements for a normal computer, integrating the structure and used in an entirely original way.
The ball remains in balance with support 2, after you extract the mouse on the work surface and a keyboard is projected by a laser.
monitor structurally does not exist because the images are projected on a wall with the possibility of a normal focus. But if there are no vertical surfaces, simply use a piece of paper on a support PC, thanks to the clever arrangement.


the German Orkin Design is small e consiste in un cilindro per soddisfare l’esigenza della mobilità e dalla tendenza del portare oggi tutto a tracolla. Tecnologicamente si srotola per diventare un semplice e simpatico notebook.
Con un monitor ovvero uno schermo flessibile da 17 pollici e display OLED - Organic Light Emitting Diode, lo stesso schermo si trasforma in tastiera touch, in schermo gigante oppure in un tablet da 13 pollici con penna incorporata. Inoltre nel cilindro è sistemato il caricabatterie, la webcam, 2 porte USB e gli altoparlanti.
E’ un concept molto interessante e si spera che sarà presto in produzione.

Vedi il video .


designer Indian Yogesh is too small and the particular cylindrical shape. The basic idea is to allow, with the ability to supply it with sunlight, to get easily in rural India.
monitor with a small LCD screen is part of the structure in such a way that creates close down the cylinder.
Another feature is to transform it into a projector using an LED proiector integrated support for its position. With Wi-Fi connectivity and built-in battery is a mini PC pratico dal punto di vista energetico, infatti i pannelli solari, che sono parte integrante della struttura, nel caso che non entrassero in funzione per la luce insufficiente, è sempre possibile ricaricarlo

“Mitra” in hindi significa “amico” e il progettista pensa che sarebbe molto utile come aiuto nella vita pratica, ad esempio come assistenza medica online degli abitanti delle fattorie e dei villaggi rurali indiani.


Dell’azienda cinese Lenovo , leader nella grande produzione di PC all’avanguardia, An attractive mini laptop pocket with the case covered in leather.
From the few shows that technical information has an ultra-wide touch screen display may be 8 inches and the interesting possibility to translate the display on the keyboard actually turning the unit into a tablet. In addition, the closure strap acts as a mouse once released. The Pocket
Lenovo Yoga is a concept that dates back to 2007, but now seems to turn into production.