WOMEN ... those almost flat .... those with lots of makeup to hide flaws in your face .... those with bad breath .... those with bad breath and you want to kiss at all costs .... those with armpits that smell .... those with feet that smell .... those with the pussy that stinks .... those who always complain and nothing .... those who demand more and never give .... those that stress you and you are stuck .... those who say they're fat and do not even have ass .... those that give you the 2 of spades because you do not have a bank account with 6 zeros.
SEA AND BEACH ... those who go to the beach and you accidentally pull the head in the sand .... those who are playing volleyball on the beach and you get the ball on the head .... on the beach when they are placed a few inches from you even though there is room elsewhere .... when I go running along and the kids and they shoot you water .... when you get a bad sunburn .... some jellyfish stings when you .... when there is dirty water from the sea .... when there are turds floating in the sea .... when there are assholes who swim in the sea .... when girls are on the beach you do not shit .... when the beach is full of ciospe and obese women with varicose veins and cellulite galore .... when you run away from you and go pee in the water in it .... inadvertently when you drink the sea water is salty and you know why you piss all over the world.
AUTO ... those who drive with his hat in the car .... those who drive .... talking on the phone those that do not put the arrow .... those who park in the second row .... those who park in third row .... those who are asleep at the traffic light .... those they hold in the street to pull up a whore .... those who cross the street without seeing .... those who honk for no reason .... than one meter high and a huge cock on big cars .... those who are on a ferrari and have 80 years .... those who go 50 km per hour in the second lane .... those who are straddling the two lanes .... the window cleaner who jump on the machine .... when the machine is fired in the reserve .... when the machine has the battery on the ground .... when the machine is covered by ice .... when the machine fails and I have to release money to repair it .... when the car is filthy and I do not have time to wash it .... when the machine is clean and there on some shit sparrow .... when the machine is clean and it starts raining .... when the car is scratched and I do not know who to thank.
TRAM AND METRO ... those who have the hot breath on the tram .... those that smell of sweat on the tram .... those using strong perfumes and nauseous on the train .... Loffa those on the train .... those who do not give way to the elderly .... those who, despite being full tram, they want to go at all costs .... those who handle bags or umbrellas regardless of who is around them .... Ćićarija the old ladies on the tram .... when the tram is always full of old ladies in direct cemetery .... when the tram is full of people .... when the tram goes down .... when the tram ends the race in advance .... when the tram is extremely late .... when the tram is late and spend only the other .... when they ask me if I get off the tram and they are far from the .... uncomfortable when I find a place on the tram .... controllers when they get on the tram and I have a ticket .... when does a scorching heat on the subway.
DOGS ... those that are dirty dogs on the sidewalks .... crush the dog poop .... those small dogs that bark more, even with their shadows .... those who beat their dogs .... those who leave their dog.
GENERAL ... when there is a queue at the post .... when there is a queue at the supermarket .... when I find what I'm looking to super or a music store .... when I need something I have at home and can not find it .... those who are snobbish .... those who look at you from top to bottom .... those who mock you .... those who snubbed you .... What you do not apologize or thank you .... What you do not shit when we talk together .... those who talk, talk and say shit .... those who smoke cigars stink .... those that pull up his nose .... those who spit on the ground .... those who throw paper on the floor .... those who throw syringes on the ground .... those ch and go in hard and fall of ecstasy .... those who get to use the drill on Sunday at 3 pm .... who calls you at 3 am and then you're wrong number .... those Bonehead (screaming) for a night .... having to go to bed .... having to get out of bed .... having to go to work .... the unexpected .... delays (others ).... covers the music .... advertising .... TV .... Pippo Baudo.
KITCHEN ... when you eat them and feel close sbrofonchiare .... When the pasta is overcooked .... when they put the salt in the pasta .... when I dirty pants sauce .... when I smoke while I eat in front .... when heating the food .... when there are dirty cutlery .... when the water is SGAS .... when the water is warm .... when water is used Ferrarelle .... when I go across the water .... when the bread is on Sunday .... when my grandmother buy the damn croissants .... When you buy pastries and old .... when I drink a coffee cup is cold .... when I drink coffee and I find it watery .... when I drink coffee and tastes like burnt .... when I want a hot chocolate with whipped cream and I find myself drinking a crap.
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