Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Por Q Se Me Sale La Esperma

Italo Bocchino's wife: "I remain with my husband, despite Carfagna"

Su «Novella 2000» le dichiarazioni sul presunto flirt
Il matrimonio di Bocchino (da «Novella 2000») MILANO - In un’intervista esclusiva a Novella 2000 , in edicola giovedì, Gabriella Buontempo, moglie di Italo Bocchino, dice la sua sul presunto flirt tra suo marito e il ministro delle Pari opportunità Mara Carfagna: «Tutto quello che è been written and said about Mara Carfagna and my husband is just gossip. And anyway, even if there had been a betrayal, perhaps, my husband has made a choice, "he says. "A husband at home does not hold: if he wants to go he goes. Especially if you have one that is younger and they call the "most beautiful minister in the world". " And then he added with a smile, even if there was this report, "more than a problem of mine, would be a problem Carfagna" because "the minister for equal opportunities has always been a champion chosen" non-family falls apart "if it were been with my husband, had failed to fulfill its principles. " And then conclude with a cryptic comment ad of marriage: "You will have noticed that she Carfagna announce the wedding on the day when he lost to Berlusconi is back ... without anything as requested. He did not win. He lost. And the same day announcing the wedding. What a coincidence, no? ".

December 1, 2010


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