Friday, December 3, 2010

Hiv Rashes Vs Dry Skin


In the evening takes note of the Quirinal respect the prerogatives of the Hill. Verdini replication: we do not care then brake, "I never said." presented a motion of no confidence Casini: 'yes' to Prime Minister Gianni Letta
now lacks only the ringing of bells. Silvio Berlusconi and Gianfranco Fini is not Gary Cooper and Ian MacDonald, and the political crisis is not a fiction film, but the clash between Prime Minister and Speaker of the House has more edges of the duel at Noon. The date-14 December-was fixed and mutual accusations of today with the no-confidence motion in the Third Pole on the tables of the House and the Quirinale not be forced to intervene to exploit it, do not seem to make room for second thoughts.

"The third prong is a hoax ' attacks the President of the Council of Members, which is engaged in a bilateral meeting with the Russian government. "According to a gossip health problems and I'd be depressed, I remind you this week," he said referring to international commitments that took him first to Astana and then to shareholders. "I would omit the desire to respond to others for a matter of taste - he continues - but I am absolutely determined to continue."

Yet beyond December 14. "In the House there is a majority of 317 MPs against the government? See you on December 14, "says convinced that" it would be absolutely irresponsible to open a crisis and want to change the current government team. " Not only because "so far has worked well," but also because "at this time - says - I see none of the protagonists of the policy it may well work for the good of the country." Gianfranco Fini

not be intimidated and, from Mestre, the challenge: "The government is no more, but these moonlight can not go to the polls," he says in a loud voice, certain that the situation will change After Parliament's vote on two motions of no confidence, the last one-third of the Polo-presented today with 85 signatures. "In a few days Parliament will witness what everyone knows', is the prediction of the third position in the State, that" it would be weird and self-injurious "thinking" to save the skin of our teeth for the country "because it" is governed "

" On some momentous challenges - things worse Fini - ours is the only government that never seeks an interview and a contact with the opposition. Before you say that those who think like him is a traitor, friend of the left, reflects on why segments of the center say that so you can not go forward. " Moreover, "rule does not mean control," then concludes with a cryptic phrase: "The Head of State knows what to do ...».

The reaction of the Hill was immediate: in the evening, in fact, in the rooms of the Quirinal, reaffirming that no outlet di posizione politica di qualsiasi parte può oscurare il fatto che ci sono prerogative di esclusiva competenza del Presidente della Repubblica. Quanto basta per tirarsi fuori dal gioco delle parti, così da evitare al presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, di sentirsi tirato per la giacca.

Ma dal Pdl arriva una reazione durissima: «Noi sappiamo che» il Capo dello Stato ha le sue prerogative «ma ce ne freghiamo, cioè politicamente riteniamo che non possa accadere questo. Anche i partiti hanno le loro prerogative», tuona Verdini che più tardi frena: «Non ho mai né pensato, né a maggior ragione detto che noi ce ne freghiamo delle prerogative del capo
dello Stato», dice in una nota.

The Duellists, however, be warned. Meanwhile, the possible scenarios begin to emerge after the showdown for the UDC leader Pier Ferdinando Casini, Gianni Letta, the President of the Council "should not be, but fine," while the leader of the Future and the Freedom House, Italo Bocchino, seems to open a window into the darkness of crisis: "The space to find a solution - he says - is enormous. If Berlusconi is willing to talk to the moderate area, if there is open, there is no foreclosure on the continuation of the alliance, nor on his person. "

The center, meanwhile, is said to still have safe majority. "The December 14 the terzopolisti may face a surprise, "argues the group leader in the House of the PDL, Fabrizio Cicchitto. Shearing also the chairman of the Senate of the party of Prime Minister, Maurizio Gasparri: "If the government goes on - state - the legislature and continues with the wisdom of many, may help to stabilize the country." But in the sphere of the PDL also circulates the rumor that Berlusconi is planning to attend the Hill, once you get the confidence to ask for a second term and expand the government majority. Only a guess, but suggestive.


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