Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Write A Wedding Letter To My Wife

The ingiuriometro

henceforth beware how to react to a wrong received. Or rather, you will need to assess the extent to which punto ci si può spingere con l'uso di parole offensive. Gli “ermellini” fanno rilevare che oggi si usa con troppa facilità il “vaffa” e consigliano quindi di reagire in modo più pacato.
Insomma se proprio dovete reagire ad un torto ricevuto, anziché mandare “a quel paese” qualcuno, ditegli semplicemente “non infastidirmi”.
I supremi giudici prendono spunto da un caso di ingiuria e ne fanno occasione per stilare un vero e proprio “ingiuriometro” : un misuratore dell'ingiuria.
In certe situazioni, spiega la Corte - Sentenza No 30956/2010 - it's hard "eliminate the bright tones and expressions heavy , especially if you are in a " context of controversy " as in politics, but since the spread of increasingly massive injuries "in order to ascertain whether the interests safeguarded by Article injured. 594 cp is necessary to refer to a criterion of the conventional media. "

In other words, to determine whether a "vaffa" is offensive reference should be made 'offense and the personality of the offender and the context in which the sentence is insulting been rendered.
The Court there can be no tolerance if the foul language in a context "ioci cause" (joke) or between subjects on an equal footing, in short "in situations that do not require specific manifestation of respect."

Taken from: STUDIO CATALDO / Legal Information Portal


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