Sunday, September 12, 2010

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The stamp intelligent

The first stamps in the world to interact with technology recognition of pictures are from the set of 6 stamps, issued by Royal Mail August 19, 2010, dedicated the Great British Railways.

E 'have to approach an iPhone or Android smartphone the stamp, after installing the application Junaio, to display audio and video in-depth about the picture framed. The application
Junaio free download from the App Store if you have an iPhone from the Android Market, or if instead we have a smartphone with Android operating system.

In the case of the series Great British Railways you can see a short video of the actor Bernard Cribbins while reading the poem "The night mail" the poet Wystan Hugh Auden , a composition that in 1936 gave its name to a famous documentary film on the postal service from London to Scotland . How

methods and goals, even if the technical aspects are different, the system remembers the BeeTagg introduced by the Swiss Post with the issuing of a stamp 31 October 2007.

See ns. post: "From stamps to the Internet" in "Philately".


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