Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gay Brazilian Bait Bus

Valentina March

young photographer, Taranto, easy and full of talent. The artistic
of Valentina March has penetrated, with obstinate persistence, into a slot today, somewhat inflated: art photography.
In this place where the image is occurring, with an explosive process, in terms that belong to the very beginning, the artist works must be characterized by the critical function that is hard to follow everything that happens, becoming itself an element of confusion and intellectual exhaustion.
This premise is only my opinion in context.

This summer, going to galleries, I admired his recent production.

Valentina March , reading it in "Contrasts" , brings a correct and logical architectural geometry and logical chromaticism - background, shadow, balance - emphasizing his sincerity is not productive Forced intriguing use of technological means.

In "new air" decentralization object, which is often the strength of a freelance photographer, witness the triumph of the technology, capacity and projecting element of human intelligence. And here Valentina March immortal, almost an allegory, the cold rationality of the man who uses and abuses of the natural landscape, adapting to its many needs, transforming it. Valentina

I wish a good journey into the world of art.

Ninni Uploaded - 23.09.2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Write A Wedding Letter To My Wife

The ingiuriometro

henceforth beware how to react to a wrong received. Or rather, you will need to assess the extent to which punto ci si può spingere con l'uso di parole offensive. Gli “ermellini” fanno rilevare che oggi si usa con troppa facilità il “vaffa” e consigliano quindi di reagire in modo più pacato.
Insomma se proprio dovete reagire ad un torto ricevuto, anziché mandare “a quel paese” qualcuno, ditegli semplicemente “non infastidirmi”.
I supremi giudici prendono spunto da un caso di ingiuria e ne fanno occasione per stilare un vero e proprio “ingiuriometro” : un misuratore dell'ingiuria.
In certe situazioni, spiega la Corte - Sentenza No 30956/2010 - it's hard "eliminate the bright tones and expressions heavy , especially if you are in a " context of controversy " as in politics, but since the spread of increasingly massive injuries "in order to ascertain whether the interests safeguarded by Article injured. 594 cp is necessary to refer to a criterion of the conventional media. "

In other words, to determine whether a "vaffa" is offensive reference should be made 'offense and the personality of the offender and the context in which the sentence is insulting been rendered.
The Court there can be no tolerance if the foul language in a context "ioci cause" (joke) or between subjects on an equal footing, in short "in situations that do not require specific manifestation of respect."

Taken from: STUDIO CATALDO / Legal Information Portal

Monday, September 13, 2010

Armor Lid Vs Undercover

not only paper and ... New Stamps

On June 28, 2010 was issued by the Italian Post Office stamp of the series theme "Made in Italy" dedicated to the centenary of the inauguration Federacciai del primo stabilimento siderurgico italiano, a ciclo continuo completo, a Bagnoli (Napoli).


Per la realizzazione della vignetta è stato utilizzato un inchiostro speciale che consente al francobollo di essere attratto dai magneti.

Il francobollo, del valore di € 3,30, è stato stampato in litografia e serigrafia a due colori (uno offset e uno serigrafico) dall’Officina Carte Valori dell’Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A. su carta fluorescente, non filigranata, con una tiratura di 1.500.000 esemplari.

Il bozzetto a cura del Centro Filatelico dell’Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A. riproduce, oltre al logo di Federacciai con l’omonina scritta, in un gioco di geometrie e chiaroscuri la materializzazione di un blocco di acciaio.

Vedi altri ns. post sull'argomento in "Filatelia".

Vedi filmato

Free Blueprints For Octogon Picnic Tables

Photographing Silence

Filippo Crea , fotografo esperto, collabora attivamente con diverse Istituzioni Culturali italiane e francesi, inoltre si occupa di critica fotografica per numerose testate giornalistiche.
The Library of Milan Murcia hosted last year, namely 17 to 27 March 2009, a solo exhibition titled "Silence."

"The silence of Philip Create" - as reviewed Giangiacomo Schiavi del Corriere della Sera - "is a door that opens onto the blank. But before us there is a chasm, a chasm, every image, even the most distant, is a fragment of life that refers to a dream, a memory, a fear. In the arduous search for a longer human sadness emerges aware of what was lost. "

During the inauguration of the exhibition Lorenza Hall, Communications Manager of the Publishing House Mursia asked Filippo Crea: "Why" silence "as the theme?".
"I believe that to
fotograf ia - said Filippo Crea - need for constant updates ¬ tion and cultural style. I wanted to challenge myself on something not easy. It 'not easy, in fact, a photograph of the silence. The silence you hear, the silence is not seen. And I wanted to try to tell this impalpable, sensitive staff. "

Among his works:


"A quiet simple and immediate. Summer, early afternoon. The white-haired woman in black has his hands gathered in defense of" his "silence, the two empty chairs are not the company, but waiting for someone to break the vacuum stage of this clean, structured on a few essential and stage presence. "

Sunday, September 12, 2010

12 Days Late Negative Pregnancy Test

The stamp intelligent

The first stamps in the world to interact with technology recognition of pictures are from the set of 6 stamps, issued by Royal Mail August 19, 2010, dedicated the Great British Railways.

E 'have to approach an iPhone or Android smartphone the stamp, after installing the application Junaio, to display audio and video in-depth about the picture framed. The application
Junaio free download from the App Store if you have an iPhone from the Android Market, or if instead we have a smartphone with Android operating system.

In the case of the series Great British Railways you can see a short video of the actor Bernard Cribbins while reading the poem "The night mail" the poet Wystan Hugh Auden , a composition that in 1936 gave its name to a famous documentary film on the postal service from London to Scotland . How

methods and goals, even if the technical aspects are different, the system remembers the BeeTagg introduced by the Swiss Post with the issuing of a stamp 31 October 2007.

See ns. post: "From stamps to the Internet" in "Philately".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Crank Up Pontoon Trailer

Op Art & Philately

The Posta elvetica il 3 settembre 2010 ha emesso una serie di 3 fantastici francobolli dedicati al movimento artistico Op Art. Op è l’abbreviazione di Optical.
Youri Messen-Jaschin (1941) è l’artista svizzero, di origine lettone, che ha realizzato i 3 soggetti:
Red Ball da 0,85 franchi - Blue Black Red da 1,00 franchi - Red Circle Blue da 1,40 franchi.

L’ Optical Art is a movement of abstract art developed in the sixties, in fact the term Op Art appeared for the first time on Time Magazine, in October of 1964, and the MoMA - The Museum of Modern Art in New York will host the first major exhibition on 'Optical Art in 1965 entitled "The Responsive Eye " .
The movement explores the limits of human vision. The artist plays with the viewer, creating geometric patterns that seem to vibrate and pulsate, and then produce illusions of depth and movement.
The work of art itself is static, but shapes and colors evoke an illusion of movement. The two main techniques used to achieve this effect are: the prospects illusory and chromatic tension. The
Op Art has made its appearance in the U.S. and has spread to Europe, includes artists motions of different nationalities, including the Venezuelan Jesús-Rafael Soto the istreliano Yaacov Agam , Hungarian Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley English, French Daniel Buren.