HER: I'm a beautiful girl (in fact, beautiful) 28-anni.Sono intelligent and have a lot of class.
I would marry someone who earn at least half a million dollars a year.
There is this site a man who gains what? Or
millionaires wives of men who can give me suggestions?
I already had relationships with men who earned 200 or $ 250 thousand, but that does not allow me to live in Central Park West.Conosco a woman who does yoga with me, who married a wealthy banker and lives in Tribeca, is not as beautiful as me, and not so intelligente.Quindi I wonder, what did x because I do not deserve this and I can, how do I get to his level?
HIM: I read your e-mail with great interest, I thought deeply about his case and I made a diagnosis of his situation. I state that I am not stealing your time, because I earn $ 500 000 per year. That said, consider the facts as follows: What you are offering, from the perspective of a man like what you try, it is simply a bad deal. And for the following reasons:
- stay away from the blablabla, what you suggest is a very simple negotiation. She offers her physical beauty, and I'll put my money. Proposal was very clear this. But there is one small problem. Of course, your beauty will decrease gradually and one day will vanish, while it is very likely that my bank account will increase continuously. So, in economic terms, you are an active and suffer from depreciation, while I am an asset that makes dividends.
- She not only suffers a depreciation but that is progressive and increases each year! Explain: Today She is 28 years old, is beautiful and will continue so for the next 5 / 10 years, but always a little less and suddenly, when you look a picture today, you find that a pear has become wrinkled. This means, in terms of market, today she is well-listed company, the ideal age to be sold, not to be bought. Using the language of Wall Street, who owns it now has to put in "trading position" (trading position), and not "buy and hold (buy and hold tight), which, apparently, is that for which you is offered. So, in terms of trade, marriage ("buy and hold") with you is not a good deal in the medium to long term. On the other hand, a lease may be, socially, a reasonable deal and we might think about it.
We have a relationship for some time ..... .... Huuummm Come to think better and to make sure how smart, classy and beautiful she is, if possible, since I am the future "tenant" of this "machine", requires what is to practice: Make a test drive.
Please establish the date and time. Sincerely
His investor
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