Friday, February 11, 2011

Employee Discount On Dishwashers At Best Buy

Photo Digital Agenda

Iniziativa online
per dare all’Italia
una strategia digitale efficace.

Cosa chiede Agenda Digitale :

Porre il Paese nelle condizioni di sviluppare appieno le potenzialità di Internet e delle nuove tecnologie vuol dire:
creare centinaia di migliaia di posti di lavoro, ad alto valore aggiunto, proiettati verso il futuro;
consentire a quello straordinario patrimonio rappresentato dalle nostre piccole e medie imprese di essere più competitive e generare nuova ricchezza;
continuare a migliorare trasparenza, semplificazione ed efficienza della Pubblica Amministrazione, con nuovi servizi per citizens;
recall that for our country's historic role as an example of entrepreneurship, but also as a leading manufacturer of research, knowledge and innovation;
give Italy a social and economic fabric capable of harnessing the talent, merit, competence, courage with greater fairness in opportunities and rights;
not only to guarantee all citizens' network access, but also "really" individuals in a position to exploit the full expressive potential, educational, and creative work provided by new technologies include identifying effective forms of personal protection.

What is needed to achieve this:

To achieve this we must go beyond the measures in confined areas. The challenge is therefore to give the country a comprehensive strategy, a Digital Agenda if it covers at least four aspects:
to maximize the inclusion remain aligned with the major economies and ensure the continuity of essential services;
is final infrastructure services, including the necessary standard for e-business and digital assets (or "neobeni pure" as defined in the CNEL)
to know and experience for citizens, entrepreneurs , officials and the ruling class benefits from digitization;
legal rules and regulations to be adopted on a national as well as for digital transactions between private and public administration, with a reinterpretation of the sectors in terms of re-organization relationships between companies and between them and providers of support services.
Of course, the organization dei lavori non può prescindere dal coinvolgimento sistematico e strutturato degli stakeholder per garantire l’apporto delle intelligenze operative multidisciplinari necessarie.



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