Sunday, March 13, 2011

Does Hand Sanitizer Prevent Herpes

I received ... Lizzie Kate

... a prize ...

by Chiara . Thanks

makes me really very very pleased ...

pointed me along with 9 other blogs.

These are the rules: 1-

thank everyone who has deigned to that prize.
2 - Write a post about the prize.
3 - increased to 12 bloggers who feel worthy, putting the links of those blogs
4 - notify winners.

are many blogs that I love
not want to do no wrong and

then dedicate this award to all you who pass

here ...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tooth Broke Brown Inside

Sal ... Sal

I left by my friend Susan
° ° °
've known for a long long time ...

and so
between a chat and

the other ...
this is the first step

the small button

is a love ...

This Blog
Manuela . ** The second stage

between March and April.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Prolapsed Uterus And Irritable Bowel Syndrome


I picked up

had become virtually a

but ... I like too

° ° °

and so ... I came here

I finished the yarn and DMC 816

then ...
go out tomorrow to stock up.

I imagine

framed on the walls of my room ...
° ° ° We

to succeed this year??

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Read Kate Brian Books Online Free

December Biscornu

...ed ecco il biscornu
per il mese di febbraio
in compagnia di Maria .

Questa volta
è toccato
al mese di dicembre...

schema Atalie
lino grezzo
filati Dmc

Per marzo
con Maria
abbiamo deciso di cambiare
anche se i biscornu
di Atalie mi piacciono t r o p p o...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ohiobwc Pain And Suffering

The winner is ... BLOG CANDY

List Randomizer

There were 106 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1. 36-emanuela
2. 106-antonella
3. 21-enrica
4. 17-ally
5. 77-lilang
6. 11-labea
7. 103-laura
8. 30-tatinafairy
9. 37-maminat
10. 39-zsuzska
11. 63-alita
12. 41-mammadeglialieni
13. 88-stefania
14. 34-unikat
15. 87-monessa
16. 54-cristina
17. 99-elisabetta
18. 47-nunzia
19. 7-ros
20. 43-lucilla
21. 2-berkana
22. 4-danila
23. 40-fiore
24. 57-susanna
25. 59-stefy
26. 104-michela
27. 42-mariah
28. 58-lefatedelfeltro
29. 9-vale
30. 3-muf-muf
31. 91-caty
32. 101-minni
33. 31-romy
34. 14-mariaerba
35. 92-ilenia
36. 95-roberta
37. 83-bia
38. 44-tiziana71
39. 52-rosakreattiva
40. 64-loredana
41. 19-antonella
42. 100-angivisal84
43. 13-franca
44. 26-susanna
45. 61-stefania
46. 6-tsan
47. 81-valentina
48. 78-listochek
49. 73-alessia
50. 27-sonia
51. 74-rosaria
52. 18-milena
53. 86-antonella
54. 49-pat
55. 32-l'angolodellemargherite
56. 70-angie
57. 53-lola
58. 62-paty
59. 46-elenamac
60. 66-bilibina
61. 96-sonia
62. 85-conilfilodiunafatamatta
63. 82-lechicchedidanny
64. 35-cocca78
65. 98-anna
66. 97-sara
67. 8-daniela
68. 12-fiandoroseecuorinadia
69. 48-rossella
70. 5-natascia
71. 60-romitta
72. 72-cinzia
73. 55-raffaella
74. 84-annamaria
75. 50-cetty
76. 24-ketti
77. 90-anto
78. 94-rivierabrides
79. 10-terrypuntoeacroce
80. 23-chiarac.bruna63
81. 16-igea
82. 80-roberta
83. 38-federik@
84. 76-galadriel
85. 25-fr@ncy
86. 51-lacomtesse
87. 15-adri
88. 28-elisaandrea
89. 79-rosy
90. 75-m.cristina
91. 105-nicoletta
92. 1-rosy
93. 20-rosanna
94. 68-sissi
95. 29-cristina (tn)
96. 71-aghinobirichino
97. 69-angela
98. 67-rosanna
99. 102-100 inga
. 56-Daniel
101. 65-lescreationsdecry
102. 22-helga
103. 45-m.grazia
104. 33-mamanO
105. 89-wool
106. 93-laura

Timestamp: 03/06/2011 15:54:07 UTC

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And thanks to all for taking part ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Similar To Denise Milani -italian Glamour Models

Nichi Vendola and current

A too Radio, Thursday, March 3, guest Nichi Vendola leader of the Left and Freedom answered questions of the conductor, Roger Po, and listeners on issues of current national and international policies for the Mediterranean, emergency humanitarian assistance to domestic affairs in the relations between majority and opposition and within the same opposition.

"The story begins to run and break down the old globe. The Mediterranean back to center stage in the world. Young people call for the ouster of Libyan Muammar Gaddafi Rais who was a despot for many years available for the West's dirty work.

Nichi Vendola for Radio I, too, on Radio Rai, blames the current reticence of the past and the complicity of the West against Colonel Gaddafi. It broadens the discourse China and Cuba breaking down old taboos of the left.

"This - added Nichi Vendola - really makes visible the narrowness of the ruling classes of Europe who, faced with a people who go on travel and earn their freedom, is shown instead of toast disturbed. But this is a journey that will also include Iran and China. And I say to my people, who He loved me as Ernesto Che Guevara said that this evolution toward democracy and freedom also applies to Cuba, there is no excuse and no justification for the authoritarian regime in the world. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Traktor Le Service Center


The building is perhaps the most futuristic scratching the ocean and the sky and is the Water Scraper , Malaysian architect Sarly Bin Sarkum Adre, which tip straight to the abyss.
The Water Scraper is a true floating city that rises sea \u200b\u200blevel for a few meters, but relying on the entire structure below it, like an iceberg.
This incredible concept has received a special mention in eVolo Skyscraper Competition, for his purposes and ecological self-sufficient since it is one of many solutions to the problem of overcrowded cities and the planet in general. Those who live there (if it is built) will benefit from a fully integrated system which also guarantees the supply needs.

A London but the tower was inaugurated Strata SE1 , a project of the London BFLS , with its 148 meters high and 43 residential floors appears to be the first building in the world that uses wind energy, with integrated wind turbines, as well as imposing interest reference in the environmental strategy.

While Dubai for now only a concept, another interesting building 's Almeisan Tower, designed by architect Robert Ferry will 165 meters high and shall have an energy solare ed eolica, con 224 specchi che indirizzeranno il calore del sole in un punto della torre per scaldare acqua affinché generi vapore da far muovere una turbina per produrre energia. La torre solare da 600kW utilizzerà le più recenti tecnologie per offrire un impatto ambientale zero.

A Guangzhou - 180 km da Hong Kong - è in fase di ultimazione il Pearl River Tower , progetto dello studio di architettura statunitense SOM - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill , dell’altezza di 310 metri e 69 piani ha la particolarità di essere stato progettato according to various eco-friendly principles.
The slots located on the facade are designed to channel air currents in special wind turbines to produce clean energy intended for heating, ventilation and air conditioning the building. The building was considered the optimum orientation to capture all the sunlight and is also equipped with several solar panels and a double-coated glass for greater heat insulation. The ventilation is natural and following the basic principles of bioclimatic architecture.
The design of the building will lead and manage the prevailing winds making them "invisible hands" which help to tighten the tower and was designed to produce more clean energy than it consumes. It will be one of the world's most sustainable skyscrapers.

A Miami another concept the Miapolis , designed by the architectural firm KKAID - Köbi Karp Architecture and Interior Design , can be carried with its 975 meters high and 160 floors will be the tallest building in the world and will surpass the Burj Khafila (formerly known as Burj Dubai) Dubai with the spire height of 828 meters. The
Miapolis the forefront of sustainable design, will be the largest facility certified LEED - Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design that is designed and constructed using the strategies to improve performance metrics such as energy saving , water efficiency, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, improved indoor environmental quality, resource management and sensitivity to their effects. Meet the design requirements of "city within a city."