Friday, January 29, 2010

Spanish Club Initiation

Stages of being a woman


ETA 'favorite drink

17 Bracchetto d'Acqui
25 White Wine Red Wine

35 48 66 Krugg


17 I have to wash your hair
25 I have to wash your hair and then styling
35 I have to do to the hair color I
48 I have to do the tint by Stefan


25 Shopping 17 Shopping 35 Shopping

48 Shopping 66 Shopping


25 17 McDonalds free lunch or dinner
35 A 48 A diamond diamond
more 66 A large
home alone

17 Tall, handsome and dark
25 Tall, handsome, dark and with the money
35 Tall, handsome, dark, with money and with a brain
48 A man with hair 66 a man


17 17 25 25 35 35

48 48 66 66

17 offers to pay him 25
Pay him 35
Prepare breakfast the next morning
48 Prepare breakfast the next morning for kids 66 He can chew

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Omega 3 And Heart Palpitations

loves the man who calls you beautiful instead of sexy.

Ama l'uomo che ti chiama bella invece di sexy.
Che ti chiama ancora dopo avergli attaccato il telefono.
Che rimanga sveglio solo per vederti dormire.
Che baci la tua fronte.
Che voglia insegnarti al mondo anche quando sei disordinata.
Che non gli importi se ingrassi o dimagrisci col trascorrere degli anni.
Che ti domandi che cosa vuoi mangiare oggi? o, hai già mangiato?
Che prenda la tua mano di fronte ai suoi amici.
Che ti dica costantemente quanto gli importi e quanto è fortunato per averti. E che quando ti presenti ai suoi amici dica è lei...cioè, ti conoscono già x quanto quell'uomo parla di te...Amalo because he loves you and difficult to stop doing that.
If you read this you must send it back.
You've been bewitched!
At midnight tonight, your love will make you a surprise.
Something good will happen, so I can ready for the biggest shock of your life.
If you break this chain, you'll love a curse in the problems in the most important moment of your life. Forward this to 15
on Facebook-copy - paste, not me!
I'm sorry but you must,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are Grill Guards Legal

heaven and hell

Subject: 7%

Heaven and Hell A holy man was a day to converse with God and asked
Lord, I'd like to know how the Heaven and Hell.
God led the holy man to two doors.
opened one and allowed him to look inside.
There was a huge round table.
the middle of the table was a huge container of food
dal profumo delizioso.
Il sant' uomo sentì l'acquolina in bocca.
Le persone sedute attorno al tavolo erano magre, dall'aspetto livido e
Avevano tutti l'aria affamata.
Avevano dei cucchiai dai manici lunghissimi, attaccati alle loro braccia.
Tutti potevano raggiungere il piatto di cibo e raccoglierne un po', ma
poiché il manico del cucchiaio era più lungo del loro braccio non potevano
accostare il cibo alla bocca.
Il sant'uomo tremò alla vista della loro miseria e delle loro sofferenze.
Dio disse: "Hai appena seen Hell. "
God and man headed the second goal. God opened it.
The scene that the man he saw was identical to the previous year.
There was a large round table, the container that had come
people around the table also had the spoons with long handles
This time, however, were well fed, happy and talking to each other
The holy man said to God: "I do not understand!"
's simple, "replied God, they have imparato a nutrirsi gli uni con gli
I primi, invece, non pensano che a loro stessi... Inferno e Paradiso sono
uguali nella struttura...
La differenza la portiamo dentro di noi!!!
Mi permetto di aggiungere..."Sulla terra c'è abbastanza per soddisfare i
bisogni di tutti ma non per soddisfare l'ingordigia di pochi. Sono le azioni
che contano. I nostri pensieri, per quanto buoni possano essere, sono perle
false fintanto che non vengono trasformati in azioni. Sii il cambiamento che
vuoi vedere avvenire nel mondo".

Mahatma Gandhi

Si stima che 93% of people will not forward this message.
If you are part of the 7% that it will, send it with the title 7%.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank You Letters - Destination Wedding

Beware of Chinese chickens


careful in eating roasted chicken or otherwise flavored if you do not know the source ... what you see could be a problem for us eating meat imported from China!

think that the Chinese are capable of providing every week thousands of tonnes of chicken

dawn starts the collection of dead chickens Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
looking dead chickens everywhere
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
many work to collect dead chickens
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
a dead chicken cost 1 RMB RMB and is sold at 9 after treatment
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
insertion of chickens in bags

Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
carcasses are thrown almost everywhere
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
also on the ground ... ..
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
workers begin to remove their feathers after giving a penalty in boiling water contained in a rusty container Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
enduring a smell so disgusting that it is sometimes so strong as to prevent even the veterans work with preseguire . Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
workers then removed the feathers
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
and adds chemicals to decontaminate chicken
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
dyes are added ...
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
to make the chicken tender and very appealing to the eye Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.
as presented, are ready to ship in Europe Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.

To preserve your health, pay attention to food imported from China ...

Eat mostly local products safer

How know if a product comes from China?

The first three digits of the barcode of a product code indicating the country of origin.


All codes beginning with:

690, 691, 692 to 695 are all of China .

code 471 indicates a product made in Taiwan.

Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine.

E 'is our right to be informed!

These are all the bar-codes used:

00 to 13: Etats-Unis et Canada
30 to 37: France
40 fino a 44: Germany
49: Japan
50: Great Britain
57 ~ Denmark 64 ~
Finland 76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein
628 ~ Saudi Saoudite
629 ~: Émirats Arabes Unis
740 to 745: Amérique Centrale
480 to 489: Philippines

Tell your family and friends!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Much Shift Solenoid

VIRUS, I received this communication and step

Tell all your contacts on your list, do not accept nor contact nor a video of Bush. in fact it is Of a hacker, format the computer, you remove your contacts and you take away the password to the email.
WARNING, if your contacts so agree, you took it well, so send an urgent message to all, this is of great importance in, simply copy and paste.
Over the next few days you should be careful @: Do not open any message with an attachment called:
call, no matter who you send it. It 's a virus that burns away all the hard drive of your computer.
This virus will come from someone you know that you had contacts. E ' That's why you have to send this message to your contacts ..
E 'preferable to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you get a call
call, even if it is sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. And 'the worst virus announced by CNN .. 'A new virus was discovered recently and has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by Mc Afee and there is no remedy against this class of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disk, where vital information of its function is preserved.
E 'Urgent!

Installing Floor In A 14' Jon Boat

chain letters. Thanks all x!

Dear friends, it just finished in 2009 and would like to thank all the email I submitted to you during the year.

thank those who sent me the email that spoke of rat poop in the glue of envelopes, so now I use a wet sponge
every time I close a letter.

Thanks for now work every can before opening it for the same reason.

I finished my savings because I screwed it to the sick girl who is dying in the hospital for the 1,387,258 th time.
But it will get better after I received the £ 15,000 that Bill Gates and Microsoft will send me to participate in their special email program.

Or when I negotiated with the chief cashier of the bank in Nigeria that wants to share with me 7,000,000 dollars
said to be a distant relative of a current account holder who has died without leaving a will.

I do not care for me, because there are 363,214 angels looking at me shoulders.

I learned that my prayers are heard and heeded only if I forward the email to seven friends and make a wish within the next five minutes.

I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove stains from the toilet bowl.

I do not make more gasoline without taking with me a friend who checks that a serial killer conceals the back seat while I fill the tank.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

no longer answer the phone because someone will ask you to type a number and then receive una bolletta telefonica con chiamate in
Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore e Uzbekistan.

Non posso neppure raccogliere la banconota da 5 euro che ho trovato per terra in parcheggio perché probabilmente è stata lasciata lì da un molestatore
sessuale che aspetta sotto la macchina per afferrarmi ad una caviglia e abusare di me.

Se non mandate questa mail ad almeno 144.000 persone nei prossimi 70 minuti un enorme gabbiano con la diarrea vi cagherà in
testa domani pomeriggio alle 5.
Lo so per certo, perché è successo ad un amico di un vicino dell'ex suocera del secondo marito di mia cuggina.

E... a proposito: uno scienziato Sudamericano, dopo lunghi studi, ha scoperto che le persone con un basso quoziente di intelligenza e che
non fanno abbastanza sesso leggono sempre le e-mail tenendo la mano sul mouse.

Non prendetevi il disturbo di levare la mano adesso: è troppo tardi.

Spanish Club Initiation Ideas

Beware of scams!

Ci tengo ad informarvi circa una truffa di cui, purtroppo, sono rimasto vittima.... magari, conoscendone il meccanismo, riuscirete ad evitarla!

La settimana scorsa sono andato a fare la spesa all'ipermercato di Rozzano...

Terminati gli acquisti, quando sono andato al parcheggio per caricare la spesa nell'auto, sono stato avvicinato da 2 ragazze molto appariscenti (probabilmente russe o dell'est) vestite succintamente, in minigonna e top molto scollato. Una bionda ed una mora, veramente molto carine e provocanti.
Le due truffatrici si avvicinano offrendo di lavare il parabrezza dell'auto e ovviamente lo fanno in modo sensuale e provocante, poggiando i seni sul vetro e cose simili.

Quando offrite loro una mancia rifiutano e chiedono invece, il favore di essere accompagnate in un altro centro commerciale.

If you accept sit back and start to play while driving touching and kissing each other everywhere.

This of course distracts you from driving.

Suddenly the brunette goes into the passenger seat and begins to touch you.
If you do not reject it starts to make a blow job ...

Since it is impossible to drive in that situation, you stay in a place a little 'secluded ...

At that point, the default will always go above and taking the initiative, there
involves sexual intercourse. Taking advantage of your distraction down the blonde the car, opened the trunk, you steal all expenditure and run.

you knowing it, stop the relationship, get out of the car, you recompose summarily try and chase, so the default runs in the opposite direction.

are very brave and dangerous.

I myself have fallen into trap. Monday

me from stealing a box Ferrarelle, Monday evening, a liter of olive oil.

Tuesday a package of cookies.

Wednesday a toothbrush.

Giovedì mattina 6 uova e la sera un pacchetto di fazzolettini di carta.

Venerdì all'ora di pranzo una scatoletta di tonno e nel pomeriggio un ovetto Kinder.

Sabato in tarda mattinata un pettine, dopo pranzo un tubetto di maionese e la sera una scatoletta di Ciappi.

Suggerisco molta cautela!

Ora scusate ma devo andare a fare la spesa che mi è finito lo spuntì...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cake Suggestions For Vow Renewal

Theory of mayonnaise jar and two glasses of wine

Un professore, prima di iniziare la sua lezione di filosofia, pose alcuni oggetti davanti a sé, sulla cattedra. Senza dire nulla, quando la lezione iniziò, prese un grosso barattolo di maionese vuoto e lo riempì con delle palline da golf. Domandò quindi ai suoi studenti se il barattolo fosse pieno ed essi risposero di si.

Allora, il professore rovesciò dentro il barattolo una scatola di sassolini, scuotendolo leggermente. I sassolini occuparono gli spazi fra le palline da golf. Domandò quindi, di nuovo, ai suoi studenti se il barattolo fosse pieno ed essi risposero di si.

Il professor, and poured them into the jar a box of sand. Of course, the sand filled up all spaces. He asked once more the students if the jar was full, and they responded with a unanimous ".

The professor pulled out from under the two glasses of red wine and they poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the grains of sand. The students laughed!

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I wish you that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things, your family, your children, your health, your friends and things you like, things that if they remained after all the rest were lost, however, fill your life.

"The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your home and car. The sand is everything else, the little things."

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there would be room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you use all your time and your energy on the small stuff , you will never have to devote to things that are really important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children, keep an eye on your health. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18 holes! Let another round of skiing! There's always time to clean the house and rubbish removal. Devote the first golf balls, things that really matter. Define your priorities, all the rest is just sand. "

A student raised her hand and inquired what the wine represented. The professor smiled." I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show that no matter how full your life sembrae: there is always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend. "

Brownie Art To Wear Ideas

the advertising and the blind

One day a blind man was sitting on the steps of a sidewalk with a hat at his feet and a piece of cardboard that read:

"I am blind, please help me."
An advertiser who was passing by stopped and noticed that there were only a few cents into the hat.
He bent over and poured the money, then, without asking permission for the blind, took the card, turned it over and wrote another sentence.
the afternoon, he reviewed the advertisement from the blind man and noticed that his hat was full of coins and banknotes.
The blind man recognized the step and asked if it was he who had written on his piece of cardboard and above what you had written down.
The ad said: 'Nothing that is not true, I've just rewritten your sentence in another way '.
smiled and walked away. The blind person never knew that on his piece of cardboard was written: 'Today is Spring and I can not see it'.

Change your strategy when things do not go very well and then you'll see that it will get better. If you do not forward this message nothing will happen, but at least send it to people who you think deserve to see the spring and all those you vorresti vedere sempre sorridere, perché il loro sorriso renda migliore questo mondo. Se un giorno ti verrà rimproverato che il tuo lavoro non è stato fatto con professionalità, rispondi che l'Arca di Noè è stata costruita da dilettanti e il Titanic da professionisti...